Based on my painting this week, I went back at it with a different approach. It's not done, but here's today's work...approx 5 hours thus far....I should be faster, but hey, that's why I'm doing these, right?
Chris is a contact juggler, and will be working with my wife on her film project this summer. We went to his show last night, and Vee kinda joking dared me to draw him as an I did ;)
Working on an environment for the Wizards of the Coast D&D art test challenge. I've got 3 thumbs laid out, trying to decide which one works the best....
Tweaked some small things - added more light to the clown's mouth (Thanks Rachel!), darkened the ground slightly (Thanks Sunny!), and adjusted the colour of the pig's light to increase visibility of the filament. Tried colour holding the actual lines of the pigs, but didn't like it.